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Sunday, August 7, 2016

YOP update

I'm feeling really, really, REALLY tired today so I'm going to make a quick post.  Since last week everyone was posting about knitting socks (or most everyone) I decided to give it a try.  I made a simple pair of socks once before with a friends help (6 years ago) but I didn't remember anything.  I really felt like I was learning for the first time as I made the first sock.  I decided to use the pattern Easy Peasy Socks for First-Timers which uses worsted weight yarn.  I found some self patterning yarn in my stash that I wanted to use.  I'm really glad Diannamcheck from Ravelry was able to help me with a question I had so I could keep going.  I finished the first sock and I'm ready to start the gusset on the second.

This was an add-on item to my list but it does fall under my goal of improving my knitting skills. Okay, that's all for this week.  I'm going to take a long nap and hopefully I will finish my second sock soon.  


  1. Yay for socks!!! I'm glad I could help you along. I LOVE the colors on that yarn!! After you are all rested up, you can get the second one done and have an awesome pair!!!

  2. Beautiful sock! Rest up - the second will be easy peasy!

  3. Oh wow, you've knitted a sock. It's still in my 'too-hard' basket. Yours looks great, and such fabulous self-patterning yarn. I have saved the link to the pattern for such a time I feel less daunted by the word 'socks'.

  4. Awesome! I love the pattern it's made. Can't wait to see sock #2.

  5. The sock is great and what a smart move to use self patterning yarn for it. Love doing socks since they are so portable. Congrats on the improved knitting skill.

  6. Hurrah for a new skill, it looks great as well - well done

  7. So pretty and it was a skills improvement project, very nice.

  8. That sock is beautiful! If I ever get around to knitting a sock I hope Dianna is there for me. ;^)

  9. Well done on the sock, hope you feel better after a rest.


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