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Sunday, July 24, 2016

YOP Update

Today I am contemplative and moody - don't know why.  I also can't seem to spell today... or type. What you see has been severely edited.  I guess it's just another manic Sunday.  

Anyway, some stuff's been going on around here.  I'm not even sure where to start.  Well, how about the fact that the sun came out finally.  It's been raining a ton... I'm pretty sure it's been 40 days and 40 nights plus a few afternoons.  I'm thinking Noah forgot to invite me into the ark.  That must mean I need another beagle puppy - a girl to go with my boy. Too bad my husband wouldn't buy that story. Anyway, my fibro-riddled body feels a little better this morning and some of my lilies have opened up!  

Speaking of Buddy the Beagle Baby, he has been learning some tricks!  He learned "sit" really fast but the others not so much.  He just finally learned "lay down" and "leave it."  He also came to me right away when I said "come."  The best thing though is that I just got a potty training bell.  I have only had it about a day and a half and this morning he rang the bell.  It was kind of funny because it is so new I hesitated a minute thinking "what the heck is that noise?"  lol  Well, only a few seconds and then I somehow FLEW over there and let him out.  Not only did he go pee but he also went poop which he usually prefers to deposit in my entryway whenever it is raining and/or wet out.  I was so SO happy!  Oh, and Buddy also has a new confinement space.  He does not like our wall (Mexico did not pay for it btw)

Oh, and I made a tumblr account.  I used to have one but never really used it much.  I tried to sign in but it said I didn't have an account.  Boo.  Oh well, I started over.  My new account name is DJCstitches (which I'm pretty sure is what my old one was) and I have no friends. That is very sad so please be my friend if you tumble with tumblr.  

I want to say THANK YOU! to all the people that gave me advice for fixing the snag in my Frilly
Dress (baby dress) and helped me decide on which color to use for the trim.  I did decide to go with the Caron Simply soft Party in purple sparkle.  The baby this dress is for has a darker skin tone and I think the color will look perfect on her.  I'm really hoping I will get a picture of her in the dress that I can share.  I am currently working on adding the trim edging to the bottom of the dress (pictures of the top are in the previous post) and I've already used up one whole skein of the purple sparkle (while marathon watching the 9th season of Criminal Minds). After I saw how that was going to look I really fell in love with it.  It really sets off all of those ruffles.  I do think this dress is more of a 12 month size and not 6-9 months but I'll find out once they get it and try it on her.  I am sure I have enough time to whip up a matching flower headband.  Of course I already added one to my list of projects.  Oh, and after adding the edging to the straps thay are less stretchy.  It really helped to stabilize them some but I will probably still add some ribbon or fabric

Update: You won't believe this but I can't find my second ball of that dark purple Caron Simply Soft Party ANYWHERE.  I got half way around the hemline and ran out.  I have turned the living room upside-down and now I'v sent out a text-plea to my hubby to grab a ball for me on his way home.   
Second Update: I got it!  Hubby made a special trip by Joanns to get it for me and bring it home BEFORE he went to play golf.  Isn't he the best?

I finally got a new set of size 9 needle tips for my Boye Needlemaster knitting needle set. I think it was back in January when I broke mine. I was knitting and got up for some reason and laid my project down on the couch (which will never happen again).  When I sat down I folded my leg underneath me like I always do and my knee pressed down right on one of the needles and snapped the threaded part in the cable.  I've actually done that once before and quickly was able to get a replacement cable and needle tips. This time however I could only get the cable. The other replacement parts were no longer on amazon.com and the whole Needlemaster replacement parts section on their website was gone.  I was freaking out thinking they were discontinuing the set all together.  I have been watching for them on ebay and etsy ever since.  I finally found a store on ebay that had them plus they have other brands, sock boards, crochet hooks, pattern books and some cross stitch kits etc.  The seller is super nice too because I accidentally ordered some connectors for the knit picks needles instead of the Boye and they were kind enough to fix that for me.  I have some OCD issues so it has been driving me insane that I didn't have a complete set.  It made me not want to knit at all and when I did finally make a washcloth I used straights instead. It is so nice to see my set complete again!  (I do realize there is a size 2 missing but it is actually attached to a project with a stop on the other end of the cable).

Okay, so I know I had more things that I intended to add here but I forgot what they were.  I guess I will save them for later since this is long enough.  I hope everyone had a very productive and fun crafting week.  


  1. Glad the sun is finally coming out for you. Yay for an awesome husband getting yarn!!!! The dress is just beautiful! I am so glad you got your needles. Finding good seller like that is always good. Good to know you have a place online you can go where you can get what you need plus have someone nice to deal with.

  2. Buddy is adorable. I have know of several people that use the potty bells for their dogs. They really do work. I really like the edgongnyou chose for the baby dress. Fibro stinks..........hopefully the sun will come out and make the barometer stabilize for you.

  3. The beagle is cute. What a smart boy learning commands, tricks, and where to go. Glad you were able to sort out that dress issue.

  4. Glad to hear you've settled on how to finish the dress. It really is lovely. And a little headband to go with it would be perfect. And Yay! for the dog training success. He does sound like a quick study!

  5. Buddy is just so gosh darn cute isn't he! Glad you got another ball of yarn and can finish off the dress, it's pretty gorgeous already and that darker trim just finishes it off.

  6. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have such a comfortable week and hope this week will be better for you. I love your little Beagle and am quite fascinated with the idea of a bell when he needs to go potty. We're having a bit of trouble with our Quincy (a Griffon Bruxellois) who was perfectly potty trained but since winter has set in and we're having a cold wet one, he seems to have forgotten his training. Gorgeous purple in that little dress - look forward to seeing the finished item. xox

  7. Buddy is so cute! You are doing a great job training him too. So many don't take the time and then get angry at the dog and also they're bad behaviour is inflicted on others. It is never the animals fault.
    The dress is turning out so pretty and the contrasting trim color is super on it. So glad you were able to resolve all the issues. Have a great week!

  8. Bell training - I have never heard of it, but it sounds brilliant. I am trying to train my cat to come in when I call by rewarding her with treats - it kinda works but then he goes right back out for the night. Sigh. I have the same set of interchangeables and I really like them. the cables are two stiff for magic loop but for all other knitting they are my go to needles because I like the points on them and the colour coding too.

  9. Yay for your husband, saving the day! Buddy is so cute I can't concentrate on anything else - how do you knit with that around?! Hope you feel better this week.

  10. Buddy is seriously cute and that Bell training sounds a great thing. Well done hubby for saving the day, sounds like you got a keeper. I love the frill on your dress, look forward to seeing it finished. Hope the rain holds off and you have a better week.

  11. I am glad you were able to get your needle parts. I have a set of Denise interchangeables and I have lost a few pieces over the years and I am thinking about ordering some replacements.


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