Yikes, where did June go so fast? I really need to write down my goals for this next year (going from July 1st to next June 30th).
I have quite a few projects already in Ravelry that I really need to finish. I also have some I added but never started. I went through and deleted some so the only ones left are projects I really want to get finished in the next year.....or so. So they should show up on the left side of the blog with percentage bars. I know how the Fibro likes to take over though and I also have craft ADHD so anything I don't get finished will get moved to the next year. I also reserve the right to sneak in a few totally new projects just in case (because of course I will).
My to do list
- The never-ending Frilly Dress of Doom is my #1 priority because babies grow fast!
- The Nordic Afghan (which I started and frogged) is a knitting project that involves 2 colors so this is a learning item for me and I haven't knit very much for quite a while.
- I have several other projects, like the Meandering Rib Scarf that are MIA. I need to figure out where they are and either finish them or frog them or call them a loss.
- I've started the Marcelle Afghan Kit and angrily frogged it a few times now. I really want to get through that one because I love it (pattern errors and all).
- Then there is the Doily that I wanted to make for my round glass table in fall colors but then I misplaced the magazine with the pattern in it while waiting for the thread to come in the mail. I really hope I can find that magazine!!!!! Oh and now the thread again too!
- A few more toys for my favorite beagle -Buddy Boy. I want to make him a big whale and a snake and probably a new other things. I even bought some squeakers to put in them.
- And then I need some Christmas presents which include a bunch of dishcloths and other household type items which people seem to love and some scarves and maybe a shawl etc.
Argh! I just noticed a bunch more "projects" down below the pictures of finished projects. I'll have to look through those now and see if some need to be deleted or moved back to my bulging Q.